====== Acronyms and Terms ====== =====SLICE Terms===== * **SLICE**: * **ADEPT**: **A**gile **D**esign of **E**fficient **P**rocessing **T**echnologies * **BAG**: **B**erkeley **A**nalog **G**enerator: A Chisel like technology for generating analog circuits. * **BOOM**: **B**erkeley **O**ut-of-**O**rder **M**achine * **BROOM**: **B**erkeley **R**esilient **O**ut-of-**O**rder **M**achine * **Chisel Range-analysis**: Instead of declaring a width for a wire instead specify minimum and maximum values. * **Chisel**: **C**onstructing **H**ardware **i**n a **S**cala **E**mbedded **L**anguage, a generator approach to circuit design. * **Concolic**: A form of testing that combines the use of **Conc**rete and Symb**olic** values * **Differentiable Halide**: * **Diplomacy**: Parameter-negotiation library found in rocket-chip * **DSSoC**: **D**omain-**s**pecific **S**ystem **o**n **C**hip * **EAGLE**: * **F1**: AWS Instance Type with an attached FPGA * **FCL**: **F**irrtl **C**ommand **L**anguage, a scripting language for firrtl transforms, derived from the Scala REPL (read-eval-print-loop) * **Firebox**: Novel Computer Architecture for Datacenters * **FireSim**: **Fire**box **Sim**ulator * **FIRRTL**: **F**lexible **I**ntermediate **R**epresentation for **RTL** * **Generator**: A program that generates hardware descriptions * **Hammer**: Physical design generator. * **HCL**: **H**ardware **C**onstruction **L**anguage. Generate hardware using better parameterizable hardware abstractions * **HLS**: **H**igh **L**evel **S**ynthesis, attempts to create hardware from analysis of an generic algorithmic description. In contrast to **HCL** * **Hwacha**: Generator for RISC-V vector architecture * **LAMP**: **L**inux-**A**pache-**M**ySQL-**P**HP a software stack that is you need for a complete website. The pieces are now quite fungible. * **Rocket-Chip**: Generator for RISC-V scalar architecture * **Shenzhen**: * **VERGE**: =====General Terms===== * **AES**: Advanced Encryption Standard * **ALU**: Arithmetic Logic Unit * **AMR**: Adaptive Mesh Refinement * **ATLAS**: Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software * **AVX**: Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel) * **BCOO**: Blocked Coordinate (sparse matrix format) * **BCSR**: Blocked Compressed Sparse Row (sparse matrix format) * **BIOS**: Basic Input/Output System * **BLAS**: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines * **CFD**: Computational Fluid Dynamics * **CG**: Conjugate Gradient * **CMOS**: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor * **CMT**: Chip Multithreading (Multicore + Multithreading) * **COO**: Coordinate (sparse matrix format) * **CPU**: Central Processing Unit * **CRC**: Cyclic Redundancy Check * **CSC**: Compressed Sparse Column (sparse matrix format) * **CSR**: Compressed Sparse Row (sparse matrix format) * **CUDA**: Compute Unified Device Architecture (NVIDIA) * **DAG**: Directed Acyclic Graph * **DDR**: Double Data Rate (DRAM) * **DGEMM**: Double-Precision General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication * **DIB**: Dual Independent (front side) Bus * **DIMM**: Dual In-line Memory Module (DRAM) * **DIVPD**: Divide, Parallel, Double-Precision (an SSE instruction) * **DLP**: Data-Level Parallelism * **DMA**: Direct Memory Access * **DRAM**: Dynamic Random Access Memory * **ECC**: Error-Correcting Codes * **EIB**: Element Interconnect Bus (Cell) * **ELL**: Sparse matrix format used by ELLPACK * **FBDIMM**: Fully Buffered DIMM * **FFT**: Fast Fourier Transform * **FFTW**: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West * **FMA**: Fused Multiply-Add * **FMM**: Fast Multipole Method * **FPU**: Floating-Point Unit * **FSB**: Front Side Bus * **GCSR**: General Compressed Sparse Row * **GPU**: Graphics Processing Unit * **GTC**: Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code * **HPC**: High Performance Computing * **ILP**: Instruction-Level Parallelism * **IRAM**: Intelligent RAM (a chip from Berkeley) * **ISA**: Instruction Set Architecture * **KCCA**: Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis * **LBM**: Lattice-Boltzmann Method * **LBMHD**: Lattice-Boltzmann Magnetohydrodynamics * **LU**: LU Factorization (Lower-Upper Triangular) * **MACC**: Multiply Accumulate * **MCH**: Memory Controller Hub * **MCM**: Multi-Chip Module * **MESI**: Cache Coherency Protocol * **MFC**: Memory Flow Controller (Cell) * **MHD**: Magnetohydrodynamics * **MLP**: Memory-Level Parallelism * **MOESI**: Cache Coherency Protocol * **MPI**: Message Passing Interface * **MPICH**: A Free, Portable Implementation of MPI * **MT**: Multithreading * **NNZ**: Number of Non-Zeros in a Sparse Matrix * **NUMA**: Non-Uniform Memory Access * **OSKI**: Optimized Sparse Kernel Interface * **PhiPAC**: Portable High Performance Ansi C * **PDE**: Partial Differential Equation * **PIC**: Particle in Cell code * **PPE**: PowerPC Processing Element (Cell) * **QCD**: Quantum Chromodynamics * **RGB**: Red, Green, Blue * **RISC**: Reduced Instruction Set Computing * **RTL**: Register Transfer Language * **SIMD**: Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data * **SIP**: System In Package approach to integration * **SKY**: Skyline Sparse Matrix Format * **SMP**: Shared Memory Parallel (A multiprocessor computer) * **SOR**: Successive Over-Relaxation * **SPD**: Symmetric, Positive Definite * **SPE**: Synergistic Processing Element (Cell) * **SPMD**: Single-Program, Multiple-Data * **SpMV**: Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication * **SpTS**: Sparse Triangular Solve * **SPU**: Synergistic Processing Unit (Cell) * **SSE**: Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel) * **STI**: Sony-Toshiba-IBM --- the partnership that produced Cell * **TLB**: Translation Lookaside Buffer * **TLP**: Thread-Level Parallelism * **UMA**: Uniform Memory Access * **UPC**: Unified Parallel C * **VF**: Victoria Falls (multisocket Niagara2 SMP) * **VIS**: Visual Instruction Set (Sun's SIMD) * **VL**: Vector Length * **VLIW**: Very Long Instruction Word * **VLSI**: Very Large Scale Integration * **VMX**: PowerPC SIMD unit (AltiVec) * **WB**: Write-Back cache * **WT**: Write-Through cache * **XDR**: RAMBUS eXtreme Data Rate DRAM